1966 Ford Mustang


Year: 1966
Make: Ford
Model: Mustang
Body: Coupe Standard Interior
Original Exterior Color: Candy Apple Red
Original Engine: C: 289-2V
Original Transmission: C-4 Automatic
Original Interior Trim: Dark Red w Red Trim
Comments: Upgraded to dual bowl master cylinder and from Disc brakes . dual exhaust and wheels and tires . Still have the original 14 wheels and hub caps . 14 in. wood grained GT steering wheel . My Mom bought this 1966 Mustang new and I still have all the dealership paperwork and window sticker. Vehicle was made July 19th , 1966 at the San Jose Plant .
Mileage: 109831
Selling Dealer Name: Brand Motors 2691 Crenshaw Blvd. , Los Angeles , Calif.